OIP Education

Is an MBA from abroad worth it?


Is an MBA from abroad worth it?

Let’s present it in the most thrilling way! Nathan was born and brought up in a small town close to Riga, and always dreamt of living among the towering skyscrapers. His curious mind, ambitious heart quest for learning and gaining knowledge. He was academically bright and first to go to college from his family. With a decent job in place, he still wasn’t satisfied and longed for more. The question which echoed during his restless nights was to shape his future: “Is an MBA from abroad really worth it?”

Dreams turned into reality and there he was in bustling city with towering buildings away from the comfort zone in pursuit of an International MBA. His story began in the classroom of a prestigious college among the diverse backgrounds of like-minded ideas, where legendary professors crafted the concepts of business models and unraveled the secrets of Leadership. It was an uphill battle, by no means did it seem easy, the adventure had just begun. For Nathan, this transition was fueled by an insatiable curiosity, of opportunities and aspirations. The classroom had tales from all over the world and each had a unique narrative and motivations. Nathan, the protagonists of our story fumbled to hold the grip of academia in mix of challenges of adapting to new surroundings. But the passion to achieve something and lucky enough for this opportunity he embarked on the journey of his lifetime. As time passed, the challenge to keep pace with time, the labyrinth of cultural exchange and pioneering mindset, Nathan become conqueror.

As days passed, the narrative became stronger, and concepts of Management were put into test with Internship. Now the alleyways of the college were shifted in the lanes of corporate battlefield. These were testing times, stakes were high, the heart was pounding around the most capable minds. Will Nathan be a winner? Will he accomplish what he wished for? 

In the denouement of the tale, Nathan, with a degree in his hand on graduation day, had achieved what he dreamt. New path, connections forged, lesson learned. It was a thrilling narrative for someone from a small city, looking back and asking himself the same question. Was the MBA from Abroad worth it? For our protagonist Nathan, the answer was unequivocal yes. Nathan was bold enough, intellect to shape his new world and create an extraordinary path.

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